Friday, October 24, 2008

am i alone???

have u ever wonder whether u r alone sumtimes??? i mean.. like feeling being alone... all alone... like there is noone for u to be at some place... like.... erm.... u went some place but u dun even noe y u will be there.. n y u should be there....

i felt tat today.. seriously... make me feel uneasy for the 4 hours... ya... it's the visual com class today... i went into the class... but i feel like i was out of that class... i shouldnt be there... there was noone for me there... i was all alone... it was realli realli a hard time for me... haiz....

but dun wori... nothin can beat me down now... i am strong enuff to undergo such situation... nothin should have spoilt my mood... being alone is nothin more than juz being alone... there is no a case of ppl dying becoz of being alone n feel lonely rite???^^

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